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The Law
The first five books of the Bible are known as the Pentateuch ("Law") and are traditionally said to have been written by Moses after the forty year period in the desert from 1450-1410 B.C. These five books lay the foundation for the coming of Christ in that here God chooses and brings into being the nation of Israel, as God’s chosen people.
Joshua through Esther deals with the history of the nation of Israel. Covering about 800 years of Israel’s history, the history books tell about the conquering and possession of Canaan, the reigns of the judges, the establishment of kings, and the division of Israel. Not only that but with Ezra and Nehemiah the return and redemption of God's people.
The Poetical
There are 5 books that are considered as the spiritual state of the nation of Israel. These books portray real human experience, and grapple with profound inner and outer problems, they express big realities in the lives of God's people both old and new.
Major and Minor Prophets
The authors of these books were described by a number of terms due to the nature of their ministry and calling. They were called prophets, watchmen, men of God, messengers, and servants of the Lord. Though these books deal with the history of Israel as well, they were composed from a prophetic viewpoint guided by God
The Gospels
The first 4 books of the New Testament also know as the Gospels or "Good News". These books cover the life of Jesus Christ from several perspectives. Each written during different times after the death and resurrection of Jesus. These books are the foundation of the New Testament.
New Testament History
Starting with Act, the accounts after the ascension of Jesus. The persecution and the victory the new church faces. Letters of encouragement and prophecy for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
The Epistles
Better know as the "Pauline letters" these epistles are the letters sent by Paul the Apostle to the newly founded churches. Containing the knowledge and encouragement that God inspired Paul to write and preach. These letters contain the theology and doctrine for the new chruch living under grace.
Calvary Chapel
Find out the about the gifts of the Holy Spirit with Calvary Chapel distinctive line by line teaching. These topics are focused on specific subjects without taking the subject out of context. Find out what makes Calvary Chapel teachings distinct.
“To walk with God and grow spiritually, it’s an absolute necessity to be involved in a church. The Bible instructs us to “consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together...” ”
We believe that the bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and is relevant and applicable to man today. We believe the greatest way to get to know God is through prayer and through His Word; we therefore give great emphasis to expository teaching through each book of the Bible - book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse.
This is what the Apostle Paul called declaring "the whole counsel of God" (Acts 20:27)
Expect God to change your life.